Web Access
 Web Data Entry
Data Sheet
Record Management
Software, Inc.

774 Post Road Suite 230
Scarsdale, NY 10583-5030
Voice 914.725.5900
Fax 914.725-5270

Myth of Barcoding

Today in the Record Storage Industry, most storage companies are touting that they have barcoding. These companies figure that once you have linked a client's box to a computer you have solved the record management puzzle.

In reality barcoding is of no value to the client. The employees of a typical client including senior management request a box or file by its name. The client does not care to translate this into barcode numbers and nor should they have to. Barcoding solely benefits the record center in being able to locate that box or file. The fact that a client has to find out a corresponding barcode number before they can request a box of file is just another burdensome step.

At Record Management Software, we understand records management and we provide the tools to record center so that their clients do not need to know a barcode before requesting a box or file. Thanks to our Archive Manager, record centers can quickly retrieve their clients' records without worrying about extraneous numbers. Barcodes exist so that the record center's employees can quickly handle our client's requirements. Further with our Archive Manger Web Access Module, the record center's clients can quickly search and track boxes and files via content information.

Contact us at info@recordmanagementsoftware.com to find out more about Archive Manager.