Product: Simple Records Manager
Platform: Windows
Filename: microfilm.exe
Released on:
File Size: 6 MB
Record Management
Software, Inc.

774 Post Road Suite 230
Scarsdale, NY 10583-5030
Voice 914.725.5900
Fax 914.725-5270
Simple Records Manager - Microfilm Add-On Module
 microfilm.exe is an install program for Simple Records Management Software for Windows software.

Installation instructions:

1. Download the program.

To download the program click on the red "Download" button (on the left). You will be prompted to save the file to your computer. Please write down the folder name to which you download the program.

2. Install microfilm by double clicking on it.

This needs to be installed on the server in the directory where the Simple Records Manager resides and it also needs to be installed onto every station accessing the Microfilm Add-on module.

3. On the main menu the Microfilm button will now be activated.